Sunday, July 6, 2008

Till The Next Time I Come Home

Well, this is the last day of my sem break. Thought I wanna blog about something special before I leave to college. Well, so I suppose i'll blog about my holidays. But no, I won't babble along about every unimportant-time-wasting-shopping-trips I went, or every friends' reunion and farewells I attended. It will be boring, even to myself. I'll just write down the things that are really significant to me, this whole long month.

My holidays hadn't been specially interesting. Not happening either. Pretty simple, but I love every moment of it. Mostly because of the dance classes I attended. You might think that it is real boring. Life like this. I don't even go out a lot. Never even watch a lot of movies or shows. Tuesday nights and Friday mornings or afternoons are for dance lessons, Sundays are for church and guitar lessons. In between... I practise my steps. And my splits. And my stretching. And my guitar. And I write in my diary. I go for occassional evening walks with my mum down at the park. The rest of the other times, lazing around. Dreaming. Thinking.

There are surely lotz to be thought about. And I will take me ages to write it all down. But I did made a great decision afterall. I rejected the offer to be that guy's partner. Sorry. I don't think it's a great idea afterall. All the problems, I see it as God's way of advising me against it. And my troubled mind, my slumberless nights thinking over that offer, I decided to end it all by just saying No. I do really love to enter the competition. But come to think in depth, it just doesn't sound like THE RIGHT TIME. One biggest reason, the guy wasn't the right partner. I'm taller than him if I'm in heels. And I dun wan to be in bad terms with anyone by betraying anyone. I can't bring myself to be so selfish.

Somehow, I knew I did the right decision. ^_^

And so I just have to keep dreaming, and keep working hard. I am sure that God will look after my every step. God will arrange for me what will be the best. I believe in Him. For the chance that I passed by this time, God will arrange better ones for me in future. I believe.

And so, again, I should brace myself for another new day ahead. And all the days after that. I shall be returning to INTEC, tomorrow, oh well, today. And I shall have to strive hard there again, whether I like it or not. I will surely try to make the best out of it. But still, surely not forgetting what my heart really loves.
The passion in my heart, I shall keep it burning. The dreams I carry, I shall keep it alive. Keep loving, keep dreaming, keep working.

Till the next time I come home.

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