Two more days before I'm officially legal... omg, I suddenly feel so old. I'll be 18 so soon. So soon. Two more days left for being 17. What should I do for these last two days?
Emo, emo... I'm emo-ing. Maybe, maybe this emoness can last me two days...
Had loadful of dreams that I had so wanted to achieve before I turned 18. And yet, up till now, it seems like not one of them had I achieved yet. I've procrastinated through my whole 18 years of life. So find me a reason not to be sad?! Estoy triste.
I wish:
- To enter latin dance competitions before I'm 18.
- To fly on an airplane before I'm 18.
- To have half a million in my bank account before I'm 18.
- To be as tall as 170m before I'm 18.
- To meet my wives in person before I'm 18.
* there's more but I can't think of it at the moment...*
Part of me is looking forward to being 18, and part of me is dreading it. And this emotion turmoil is choking me. ¡Ayúdame!
Whatever. I'll just leave everything for tomorrow to decide for me. I guess God will arrange all my tomorrows for me. I just need to live through today. And so I will.
In the meantime, guess I'll just keep emo-ing... :p
Buenas noches.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
No Me Ames

Dime porque lloras
Why are you crying?
De felicidad
Because I'm happy.
Y porque te ahogas
Why are you so choked up?
Por la soledad...
From loneliness...
Di porque me tomas fuerte asi mis manos, y tus pensamientos te van llevando?
Why are you squeezing my hand so tight, and your mind seems to be wandering?
Yo te querio tanto
I love you so much...
Y porque sera
Loco testarudo, no lo dudes mas. Aunque en el futuro haya un muro enorme, Yo no tengo miedo, quiero enamorarme.
Don't be so hard-headed, stop douting me. It doesn't matter what the future holds, I'm not afraid, I just want to love you.
No me ames, porque pienses
Don't love me, because you think I'm different.
Tu no piensas que es lo justo ver pasar el tiempo juntos?
You don't think it's right for us to spend this time together?
You don't think it's right for us to spend this time together?
No me ames, que comprendo la mentira que seria.
Don't love me because I know what a lie it'd be.
Si tu amor no merezco,no me ames, mas quédate otra dia.
If you don't think I deserve your love, then don't love me, I'm going to stay.
No me ames, porque estoy perdido, porque cambie el mundo, porque es el destino; porque no se puede, somos un espejo, Y tu asi serias lo que yo de mi reflejo.
Don't love me because I'm lost, because I change the world, because it's destiny; beause this is impossible, we are like a mirror image of each other, we are one and the same.
No me ames, para estar muriendo Dentro de una guerra llena de arrepentimientos. No me ames, para estar en tierra, quiero alzar el vuelvo, con tu gran amor por el azul del cielo.
Don't love me to be dying in a war of regret. Don't love me to hold me back, I want to rise above, this love deserves to soar through the sky.
No se que decirte, esa la verdad, Si la gente quiere, sabe lastimar.
I don't know what to say, that's the truth, when people want to, they can really hurt you.
Tu y yo partiremos, ellos no se mueven pero en este cielo, sola no me dejes.
If you and I part now, it won't matter to anyone in this big world, don't leave me all alone.
No me dejes, no me dejes No me escuches, si te digo "no me ames"...
Don' t leave me, don't leave me, don't listen when I say: 'Don't love me'...
No me dejes, no desarmes mi corazón con ese "no me ames"...
Don't leave me, stop breaking my heart with that 'Don't love me'...
No me ames, te lo ruego mi amargura dejame.
Don't love me, I'm begging you to leave.
Sabes bien que no puedo, que es inútil, que siempre te amare.
You know very well I can't do that, it's useless, I'll always love you.
No me ames, pues te hare sufrir, con este corazón que se ileno de mil inviernos.
Don't love me, I'll only make you suffer, my heart has turned cold with this.
No me ames para asi olvidarte, de tus días grises, quiero que me ames solo por amarme.
Don't love me to run away from your sadness, I want you to love me, because you love me.
Don't love me to run away from your sadness, I want you to love me, because you love me.
No me ames, tu y yo volaremos uno con el otro y seguiremos siempre juntos.
Don't love me, one day we'll soar with each other and be together forever.
Este amor es como el sol que sale tras de la tormenta,
This love is like the sun, that comes out after a terrible storm,
Como dos cometas en la misma estela.
Like two comets in the same galaxy.
No me ames
Don't love me,
No me ames
Don't love me,
No, no me ames...
No, don't love me...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
看! 四起的火花呀,尽是那最灿烂的;啊,可否是……?眩目的火光,反映在黑色眸子里,曾经是很美很美的,我记得。了不起的。
看! 四起的火花呀,尽是那最灿烂的;啊,可否是……?眩目的火光,反映在黑色眸子里,曾经是很美很美的,我记得。了不起的。
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Solitario Noche
This lonesome night,
It’s just me and I
Watching __
The stars
Buckle the silent black night
In the sky.
This night’s just too cold,
The moon’s hung just too low
And dimmed is his reflection;
By clouds grey as sorrow.
You ain’t here,
Ain’t anywhere near;
No way_ I ain’t gonna break
Ain’t gonna shed a tear.
Gonna be all right
Bet I won’t be uptight;
Just a little sad
Feelin’ kinda bad...
Friday, September 12, 2008
A Horror Story
Once upon a time, there are three cute rabbits living in a burrow. They live together in harmony, loving and caring for each other all the time. & all three of them loves singing, a lot. When the day is sunny, they will sing; when the day is rainy, they will sing; when the sun shines into their home, they will sing; when the wind shakes their home, they will sing...
And the three rabbits live happily ever after.
I love you, you love me, we are happy family...
La la la ,la la la.......
La la la, la la la........
Matar, matar, quiere matar. Die, die, debe morir. Todos ustedes, deben morir. No, no, no quiere hacer nada. Sólo quieren ver su flujo sanguíneo durante el pasado varias noches. Goteo, goteo ... Caudal, flujo ... ¿No es usted feliz? Usted debe ser. La venganza, la venganza. Este odio; venganzan.
Kill, kill, wanna kill. Die, die, you should die. All of you, should die.
No, no, don't wanna do anything. Just wanna watch their blood flow over the several nights passed. Drip, drip...Flow, flow... Ain't you happy? You should be. Revenge, revenge. This hatred; revenged.
No, no, don't wanna do anything. Just wanna watch their blood flow over the several nights passed. Drip, drip...Flow, flow... Ain't you happy? You should be. Revenge, revenge. This hatred; revenged.
And the three rabbits live happily ever after.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Lo Siento
Lo siento.
Es todo lo que pude decir. Para usted? Para mí? Quizás.
Yo no siquiera sé lo que quiero. No siquiera saben lo que quiero ...
Estoy perdido. Perdidos sin una respuesta. Perdidos sin direcciones. Nada.
¿Dónde estoy? Esto no es donde me destinados a ser.
¿Dónde estás? Usted no está aquí donde estoy.
Dios, necesito orientación. Yo le rezo. Amén.
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